Perkins EST (Electronic Service Tool) 2018A Full
Perkins EST (Electronic Service Tool) 2018A Full
Perkins EST is an electronic service tool that consists of a hardware and software interface kit that can be used to communicate with a variety of electronic engines and control panels, including FG Wilson Powerwizards. This communication is done through a J1939 Data link.
Perkins EST software can be used to:
Identify fault codes
Record events such as low oil pressure
Perform diagnostic tests such as cylinder cut outs
Download engine product status reports
Reverse Powerwizard level 3 passwords
Configure and/or modify system parameters
View, graph and write logs of parameter status
View and delete active and logged diagnostic and event codes
Upload, download and store configuration files
View a list of irregularities recorded by the ECM
Perform diagnostic testing
Perform calibrations
Print reports and diagnostic results